Washington, D.C. Expert Witness and Forensics Engineering
Washington D.C. Expert Witness and Forensics Engineering
Cogent Experts are proud to offer expert services in the Washington, D.C. area. As D.C. is central to the nation’s business and industry efforts, it is also centric to many legal matters and/or claims including construction, construction delay, construction scheduling, engineering standard of care, architectural standard of care, mechanical, electrical, chemistry, critical path analysis, operation of facilities, maintenance, accident investigation, human factors, slips, trips, falls, incidents and injuries, equipment failure and accidents, fires, quality assurance, mechanical integrity, personnel, training, and related cases.
Cogent Experts also have experience in numerous venues relevant to core industry in the United States and worldwide, including manufacturing, commercial facilities, hospitals, hotels, products and production, consumer products, elevators, cranes, automotive, trucking, transportation, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, packaging, electronics, consumer products, utilities, energy and power, process safety management (PSM), process hazards analysis (PHA) – and the list goes on.
Engineering Experts and Engineering Standard of Care
Cogent’s expertise in engineering and the engineering standard of care has been developed over time in a multitude of applications and venues, as well as during periods of working with multifunctional disciplines and fields of expertise. It is this broad experience, mixed with detailed engineering that builds Cogent’s knowledge base of what works and what doesn’t work in engineering. Leverage our knowledge base in your case or matter.
Washington D.C. Construction Delay and Schedule Analysis
Construction and engineering go hand in hand. Cogent has extensive experience in understanding construction along with design and engineering built into construction efforts. In many cases, issues can be found in construction contracts, construction schedules, design-build scenarios, supply chain issues, engineering quality control, building information models (BIMS), controls, process controls engineering, materials related issues, project management issues and the like.
Failure Analysis, Accidents and Fire Forensic Investigation
When unfortunate events occur, experts are needed to help sort out what happened so preventative measures can be understood and implemented as needed. Cogent has extensive experience in investigating incidents and accidents relating to fires, equipment failures, injuries, facility operation and maintenance, leaks and related events, slip trips falls, human errors, force majeure as well as acts of God.