Engineering Expert - The Engineering Standard of Care
Mechanical, Electrical, MEP, HVAC, Chemical, Process, Instrumentation, Controls, StartupEngineering Expert and Engineering Standard of Care Expert
An engineering expert can determine the Standard of Care from a design and engineering standpoint. Cheifly, an engineering standard of care expert can assess engineering defects, engineering management, design engineering, safety engineering, maintenance engineering, reliability engineering etc. A good engineering expert or engineering standard of care expert needs to understand the various engineering disciplines.
Project Management
Project Engineering
Project Estimating
Design Engineering
Production Design
Sourcing and Supply Chain
Inspections and Testing
Quality Control
Quality Assurance
Chain of Custody
Engineering Standards
Engineering Drawings
As Built Drawings
Piping Vessels Valves
Civil and Structural
Mechanical & HVAC
Energy Power Utilities
Instrumentation and Controls
Data Systems Fiber & Distribution
Process Safety Management
Safety, Occupational Health
Fire Protection
Natural Gas, Boilers, Furnaces
Pressure Relief Devices
Process Hazards Analysis (PHA)
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Manufactured Products
Leverage a Cogent Engineering Expert’s Wheelhouse in your Matter
Indeed, engineering can have more than one correct way to accomplish a given project. ike many other complex subjects, engineering has evolved over centuries producing many fundamental methods that help guide the success of a given engineering venture.
Our engineering experts at Cogent understand engineering fundamentals of numerous systems, processes and equipment. Additionally, our engineer experts and standard of care experts know the fundamental errors and/or “no-no’s” in engineering.
An example is how BIM or Building Information Modeling is a great project management tool when managed properly. However, fundamental flaws result if project information is not properly managed in the BIM software. causing SUBSTANTIAL errors subsequent cost. Consequently, these BIM errors lead to legal claims regarding the lost content. Consequently, be certain to find a bonafide engineering expert to ensure you find these engineering defects.
Design, Production Design Engineering Expert and Forensics Engineers for Greenfield (new) and Brownfield (existing) Facilities and Manufacturing Sites. Engineering Defects can and do cause substantial damage and cost. Contact a Cogent Engineering Standard of Care Expert for your matter.
Complex Engineering should be Performed by a Qualified Engineering Expert in His or Her Field. Particularly, High Hazard Systems, Mechanical Systems, Power, Utilities, Petrochemical, Combustion, Boilers, Furnaces and the like. Below, properly engineered repair of a steam boilers drum and tubes: